Mushroom Capsule (50x)$130.00
FunChunks Mushroom Chocolate Pieces$11.00
FunBars XP Triple Chocolate Bars$180.00
FunBars XP 7000mg Chocolate Bars$70.00
Mushroom Capsule (100x)$220.00
Mushroom by the Ounce$125.00 – $200.00
Thai Koh Samui (mushroom, bulk)$600.00 – $1,000.00
Cambodian (mushroom, bulk)$600.00 – $1,000.00
Texas Penis Envy (mushroom bulk)$700.00 – $1,200.00
Penis Envy (mushroom bulk)$600.00 – $1,000.00
Mazatapec (mushroom bulk)$600.00 – $1,000.00
John Allen (mushroom bulk)$600.00 – $1,000.00
Golden Teacher The Second (mushroom bulk)$600.00 – $1,000.00
Ecuador (mushroom bulk)$600.00 – $1,000.00
Daddy Long Legs (mushroom bulk)$600.00 – $1,000.00
Blue Meanie (mushroom bulk)$700.00 – $1,200.00
B Plus (mushroom bulk)$600.00 – $1,000.00
Makilla Gorilla (mushroom bulk)$700.00 – $1,200.00
Code Blue (mushroom bulk)$700.00 – $1,200.00
Q: How do I consume magic mushrooms?
A: Here are 5 best ways to consume magic mushrooms:
- Straight up chew and swallow. This is the easiest and most typical way magic mushrooms are eaten. Don’t forget to chew as the smaller the pieces of shroom swallowed the easier your body can absorb the psilocybin. You’ll feel the effects in 30 – 45 mins. For maximum effect, it’s best to consume ‘shrooms on an empty stomach, giving you a quicker and stronger high.
- Tea. If you’ve ever eaten psilocybin mushrooms, you know that the taste is not all that pleasant. This method is a firm favourite in the community because it’s quick and easy. Chop or use a coffee grinder to crush up the mushroom into tiny bits. Place the mushrooms in a tea bag or let them steep in hot water (boiled water cooled for 5 mins or 87C). Do not boil mushrooms, as high temperatures will destroy the psilocybin. Let them sit for 10-15 minutes and stir often. Strain out the mushrooms. Feel free to add in your favourite herbal tea bag or some honey to improve the taste. You can repeat the process again to make a second tea with the strained mushrooms to extract the remaining psilocybin.
- Capsules. Microdosing can be used as a form of therapy, and/or to promote an overall feeling of wellbeing and connectedness. Grind up the desired amount of magic mushrooms and pack the powder into an empty gelatin or vegan capsule. Capsules can only hold a microdose amount so you’ll have to take a couple of capsules to feel the effects. This is a discreet and fast way to take magic mushrooms. To save yourself the time and hassle, choose pre-made capsules from our capsules section: Click Here.
- Edibles. If raw or tea isn’t for you, then edibles maybe your ticket. We like edibles for a few reasons: they’re delicious, convenient, discreet, odourless, available in smaller doses, and they’re all designed to give you an accurate dose and an awesome trip! We offer a delicious selection of magic mushroom edibles including gummy bears, vegan fruit strips and organic dark chocolate bars
- Lemon Tek. This is a method used to convert psilocybin into psilocin for easier absorption. Grind up your mushrooms into a powder. Add the powder to a cup and squeeze enough lemon juice in to cover the powder. Stir and leave it for 20 minutes. Do not leave longer than 25 minutes. Fill a glass with water, stir the powder/lemon mixture in evenly and drink. This method will create a stronger effect because the acidic lemon juice amplifies the psilocybin. Warning: this method typically shortens a trip’s duration and often helps decrease nausea but it also increases the strength of the mushrooms.Lemon Tek is not suggested for beginners.
Q: How much magic mushrooms should I take?
A: Everyone’s physiology and metabolism is different, and there are many other factors (body weight, etc.) that will affect how each individual might respond to psilocybin. Your surroundings and emotional state can also affect your response, so if it is your first time trying mushrooms or you are significantly upping your dosage, select a safe, comfortable, familiar place (if possible), and consider asking a sober trip-sitter to be your companion for the coming ride. Effects begin between 10 to 40 minutes after ingestion and can last between 3 and 6 hours depending on the dose and the individual. We Amigos recommend to start low to get familiar with how mushrooms feel for you and to practice your trip navigation skills before taking a higher dose. This will help you prepare for the bigger, more challenging trips as well as allow you to process and integrate your experience the following day. Note: doses should always be weighed, as the number of mushrooms is not a reliable metric. An average dose of dried magic mushroom is between 1 and 2 grams.
Low dose: 0.8 – 1 g. The effects are mild and similar to being high on weed.
Mild dose: 1 – 1.5 g. Expect to start to experience synesthesia, this means “crossing of the senses.” This can mean seeing sounds or hearing colours.
Sensational change tends to happen gradually. First, colors begin to glow and lights become more noticeable and begin to smile, almost cheerfully. Then fractal patterns emerge, even when you close your eyes. Colors will become brighter and you’ll feel a light body high and experience some visual and auditory hallucinations. You will likely experience increased flow states, an increase in creativity, heightened senses, and an amplification of mood either positive or negative.
Moderate dose: 1.5 – 3 g. This is a great dose for trippers who have tried the lower doses and are ready for the “real” psychadelic experience, without overdoing the dosage. This amount is where visual hallucinations along with the arrival of geometric patterns and fractals will be noticeable. No more hinting or subtle flashes of visuals, it’s happening for real! Your pupils will dilate and objects you’re observing will twinkle and shine; you may experience a sensitivity to light so tripping in low light is best. Expect enhanced appreciation for music and art, increased flow of ideas, and finding otherwise mundane things funny. Expect to experience time dilation or contraction (time speeding up or passing like an eternity).
Strong dose: 3 – 4 g. We recommend a trip-sitter at these doses. At this dose you should still be able to grasp your surroundings but things will be highly altered. Expect strong hallucinations and synesthesia to take over: a psychedelic flood of shapes, contours and colors, life-changing introspection and philosophical insights, compulsive yawning. This is the dosage range where fear and anxiety can hit, and bad trips and disorientation can happen. As things get more intense, we have a few words of advice: trust the mushroom. This might sound silly, but it really does help. Psilocybin mushrooms have been interacting with the human psyche for eons- just let them do their thing! Many seasoned psychonauts like to take the perspective that the mushroom is their guide…and they’re just along for the ride. Be open to the experience as it twists and turns and evolves.
Hero’s dose: 4 – 5+ g. Only for experienced psychonauts with a trip-sitter present. You can expect a total loss of contact with reality, loss of motor functions, and intense hallucinations. At these doses some people undergo mystical experiences and intense feelings of wonder, great introspection and complete loss of subjective self-identity (a.k.a. ego death). Expect very strong distortion of the perception of space and time. Psychonaunts report sensitive emotional and personal experiences that are impossible to describe. These are the macro doses that scientists and therapists administer to achieve therapeutic results.
Check out our premium Canadian-grown dried magic mushrooms in our online shop here and our selection of Psilocybin microdose capsules here.
Q: Which magic mushroom strain should I take?
A: Analysis by paralysis — the downside of having too many choices.
But there’s a flip-side to this concept. The beauty of choice, much like the beauty of using psychedelics, is that it provides a person with the opportunity to follow their own inner guidance instead of conforming to the outer influences of the world. Once you combine your options and choices with a little education, you’ll probably feel empowered to forge a new path and find what works best for you.
If you’re a beginner or more into microdosing, then Golden Teachers are probably your best choice. If you want potency, then opt for what Terrence McKenna used to call a “heroic dose” of Penis Envy or Blue Meanies. If you want to hear the heartbeat of the earth and experience oneness with everything, then Wavy Z’s might be your best bet. If this is your first time or it’s been ages since your last trip, we Amigos recommend starting low and going slow.
The very best way to find your best psilocybin routine transcends these types of guidelines — the very best way is all about listening to your body. Keep an open mind (or even an open journal) as you try different dried psilocybin strains and observe how they make you think and how they make you feel. And don’t forget to enjoy the journey!
Q: What does set and setting mean?
A: The best way to ensure a safe psychedelic experience is to be mindful of your set and setting.
Simply put, “set” refers to your mental framework (i.e. mindset) and “setting” refers to your environment and the people you are with. Both these things should be as optimized as possible before you begin your next trip.
Q: Can I mix magic mushrooms with other drugs
A: We don’t recommend mixing magic mushrooms with other drugs, this includes alcohol.
Q: Does psilocybin interact with any medications or other substances?
A: Psilocybin does interact with some medications including SSRIs, MAOIs and other antidepressants. The psilocybin dose matters. For example, there is very little evidence that micro dosing has contraindications. We recommend doing your research and use caution before combining psilocybin with any other substance.
Q: Are psilocybin mushrooms addictive? Can I take them every day?
A: No, and not really.
Psilocybin is not considered to be addictive nor does it cause compulsive use. In fact, people have successfully quit smoking, drinking, and using ‘hard’ drugs with the help of magic mushrooms.
The human body quickly builds tolerance to psilocybin, such that people require much higher doses after only a few days of repeated use. 10 to 14 days is required to entirely eliminate this tolerance and return to baseline. This is why it is not recommended that you micro dose with mushrooms every day. Taking days off every once in a while will help you maintain your sensitivity to the mushrooms. The way this works gets pretty complex, but researchers have found that taking psilocybin too often leads to serotonin 5-HT2B receptors becoming less sensitive.
Q: What is an average dose of psilocybin mushrooms?
A: In most cases, “magic mushrooms” will be encountered in the form of dried Psilocybe cubensis. Doses should always be weighed, as the number of mushrooms is not a reliable metric. An average dose of dried P. cubensis is between 1 and 2 grams, while an intermediate dose might be between 2 and 3.5 grams. Experienced users might try between 3.5 and 5 grams. Personal experience and your trip intentions will help you decide your preferred dosage. A rule of thumb for fresh P. cubensis is to multiply the weight by a factor of 10. Other species of mushrooms and “truffles” have their own dosage indications.
Q: I see white fluff at the base of the mushrooms. Is this normal?
A: Yes, this is part of the fungus and growth process.
Q: I see blue colour on my mushrooms. Is this ok?
A: Yes, this is an indication that the mushrooms contain psilocybin which is the active ingredient in magic mushrooms.
Q: Are magic mushrooms dangerous to my health?
A: Nothing we do is without risk, but magic mushrooms are considered to be one the safest medicine we know of. This is likely the case because it’s directly from nature and not processed or synthesized.
David Nutt is a neuropsychopharmacologist specializing in the research of drugs. Dr. Nutt and his team of experts studying addiction, drug policy, psychology and other fields ranked 20 drugs on their harmfulness. Overall, psilocybin mushrooms were ranked as the least harmful drug. The report states ‘’…it’s virtually impossible to die from an overdose of them. They cause no physical harm and if anything they are anti-addictive because they cause a sudden tolerance, which means that if you immediately take another dose it will probably have very little effect.”